
Program an arpschuino.

arpschuino et son programateur

This tutorial has been completely revised.

Since December 2017 the programming has been greatly simplified with the creation of an arpschuino core, in other words the arpschuino boards are directly recognized by the Arduino software, the necessary libraries are automatically imported and all the specific codes are found in the example codes .

The USB connection is done via a USB / Serial adapter.

Materials required:

Although we do not intend to market tier hardware, we still offer this programmer to simplify your steps and because it is perfectly suited to the arpschuino. It runs at 3.3v and will not damage arpRF, for example.

If you already have an Arduino compatible USB / Serial adapter (USB BUB, arduino USB 2 Serial, CP210x USB to UART Bridge ou FTDI TTL-232R-5V for example), you can of course use it.

We can also, as we will see below, use an arduino uno to program the arpschuino.

Set up

Download arduino IDE.

For this tutorial (december 2017) we choose the latest version, 1.8.5. Choose a version based on your OS, higher than 1.6.2.

arduino download

Install it. In case of difficulty, see here.

The USB / Serial adapter requires the installation of drivers.

With a USB / Serial programmer

For our programmer or any other CP210 based programmer, the drivers are available here, choose the default version.

Edit 02/2022 :

WARNING: we are told that on recent versions of OS X (Mac), you no longer need to install a Silicon Lab driver, a homemade driver is present in the OS. It may even be that following an update, you are forced to uninstall the Silicon Lab driver that was working until then.

Reboot your computer and launch the arduino IDE.

IDE arduino

With an Arduino

It is also possible to use an Arduino to program your arpschuino. Start by carefully removing the microcontroller from your Arduino, then connect it to your arpschuino as shown:

program an arpschuino with an arduino

arpschuino core

We will now import the arpschuino core. Go to Preferences (File/Preferences) and Additional Board Manager URLs , add the following link:

preferences arduino

Then go to Tools/Board/Board Manager, you should find the arpschuino boards at the very bottom of the list. Just click on install. The installation will take some time, if your connection is slow, it may be a good time to make a coffee!

arduino boards manager

In this board manager you can then apply updates to the arpschuino core. An update button will appear when it is ready.

gestionnaire de carte

Dans l'onglet Outils/Type nos cartes devrait apparaître dans la rubrique Arpschuino Boards. choose arpschuino.

choice of the board

In the same tab, choose the port corresponding to your programmer. If in doubt you can unplug it and reconnect it to determine the correct port. Be careful, other types of equipment such as the Enttec USB / DMX adapter may appear here.

Warning: If you use a 5V programmer, remove 3.3V devices like the arpRF, they will be destroyed by the 5V. No problem with our programmer that works in 3.3v.

Remove the DMX in jumper.

We can now connect the adapter to the arpschuino. Attention to the direction, gnd in front of the black cable or gnd.

arpschuino programming


Now we just upload a code. In File / Examples / 01.Basics, choose Blink. This is a very simple program which blink a LED at a frequency of one second.

Click Verify (top left), then Upload (the button with the arrow). After a few seconds, the green LED should blink.

It's working !

We can now explore the different codes found in the examples arduinuo (files/examples/arpschuino/arpschuino). Since you chose the arpschuino board in tools/board, all required libraries are automatically available.

arpschuino pinout

Source codes should compile and be uploaded without problem. It's up to you now, modify the existing programs, write yours! There are many tutorials on the net to learn how to program an arduino.

In your codes you can use either arpschuino numbering or arduino numbering.

We can help you, do not hesitate to ask questions on the arpschuino forum.