Added tinylulu core for tinylulu and twinylulu.
Added the arpschuino_i2c_master example, for I2c control of arpsensors, tiny and twinylulu. (for arpschuino²).
Added arpsensors_i2c_9on_off example.
Revision of arpschuino-2spider-boards code to lighten the I2C bus.
In the arpschuino_4steppers example, the number of DMX channels was set to 8 instead of 9, which prevented the speed control of the 4th motor.
arpschuino_pixels moved in arpschuino examples.
Addition of the SoftwareServo library for arpsensors and arpsensors RF and the arpsensorsRF_servo example.
Addition of #define DMX ArduinoDmx0 in the DMX library, its omission prevented the use of the new syntax and the examples of the arpstepper library did not compile.
Addition of the arpschuino_pixels example in the examples of the neo pixel library.
Addition of the ArpStepper library.
Addition of the digitalWriteFast library, necessary for the ArpStepper library.
Adding the example: JNode1PWM_high_resolution.
Header and layout of other JNodes codes renewed.
NeoPixel library update.
New syntax in the DMX lib: we can now write DMX. (DMX.init_rx(DMX512) for example), instead of ArduinoDmx0.. the old syntax remains valid.
Adding the example: arpschuino_servo
Example arpsensorsRF: arpsensorsRFsend5analog: debug, addition of an initialization of Arp5 in output
Remove arpschuino_16_soft_PWM. duplicate previously replaced by arpschuino_16_softPWM (compatible with the new version of softPWM)
Removal of notes-from-versions.txt (duplicate with
uint8_t band replaced by: uint16_t band (risk of overflow)
Wire.setClock(400000); commented by default (risk of conflict with other I²C devices)
In order to preserve the li-ion batteries, the wilulu goes to sleep mode if the supply voltage drops below 2.8v
calcul_freq replaced by: rf12_calcul_freq
uint8_t twbrbackup = TWBR; deleted because useless
TWBR = 12; replaced by Wire.setClock(400000); more readable!
For better intelligibility:
arpsensors_to_dmx becomes : arpschuino_arpsensors_to_dmx
arpsensors_to_serial becomes : arpschuino_arpsensors_to_serial
New names :
adress = address
led_temoin() = Arp_led_temoin ()
arpdress_board() = Arp_arpdress_board()
(the old names remain valid)
new functions :
Arp_arpdress_board(); //take the address from the arpdress board, write it in the EEPROM. Returns the address read.
Arp_write_dmx_address(); //write the address in the eeprom, return 0 if the address is not in conformity, 1 otherwise
Arp_read_dmx_address(); //read the eeprom, return the DMX address
Arp_default_EEPROM(); //write the default values in the eeprom
new :
In the Arp_arpdress_board () function, the eeprom is only rewritten in case of change of address.
In case of an illegal address, the address is not changed (previously, address 001 in case of no address in conformity), the function return the readed address.
Frequency offset possible in all the examples with RF12.
new examples :
aprschuino2PWM_high_resolution : 2 pwm on 9 and 10 output (Arp5 et 6), variable resolution from 8 to 16 bit.
removed example :
arpdress board layout :
Convention for the use of addresses other than 1> 512:
address | function |
0 | --------------------- |
001-512 | DMX start address |
513 | RFM12 receiver mode |
514-601 | --------------------- |
602-666 | NUMBER OF CHANNELS n-600 Circuits |
667-739 | --------------------- |
740-760 | frequency fine |
761-867 | --------------------- |
868 | RF12_868MHZ frequency range |
869-914 | --------------------- |
915 | RF12_915MHZ frequency range |
916-998 | --------------------- |
999 | reload default |
New functions :
rf12_read_EEPROM_band(); reads the frequency band in the EEPROM
rF12_read_EEPROM_frequency(); reads the frequency written in the EEPROM
rF12_calcul_freq (float freq_set); transforms a frequency written with a 2 digit number after the decimal point into a value usable by the library.
Conventional locations for data stored in the EEPROM.
The convention of the RF12 library is preserved.
EEPROM address | Function | format | value |
byte 0x000 | DMX address cent | **** *nnn | 1 - 5 |
byte 0x001 | DMX address disaines | **** nnnn | 0 - 9 |
byte 0x002 | DMX address units | **** nnnn | 0 - 9 |
byte 0x003 | Mode | **** ***n | 0 - 1 (0=emmeteur,1=recepteur) |
word 0x004 | Number of channels(LSB) | nnnn nnnn | 0 - 255 |
word 0x005 | Number of channels(MSB) | **** ***n | 0 - 1 |
byte 0x020 | Node number in bits | ***n nnnn | 1 - 30 |
Reserved | **0* **** | Reserved | |
Band to use | 00** **** | Don't use, unsupported 325 MHZ | |
Band to use | 01** **** | 433 MHZ 0x40 | |
Band to use | 10** **** | 868 MHZ 0x80 | |
Band to use | 11** **** | 915 MHZ 0xC0 | |
byte 0x021 | Group number | 1101 0100 | 212 // 0xD4 |
byte 0x022 | Eeprom format | MMMM mmmm | Major/minor version |
byte 0x023 | Hex output style | 01** **** | 1: Hex output, 2: hex+ascii |
Collect Mode | **1* **** | Don't send acks | |
Quiet mode | ***1 **** | Don't report bad packets | |
Reserved | **** 0000 | Reserved | |
word 0x024 | Frequency offset LSB | llll llll | Frequency offset word |
word 0x025 | Frequency offset MSB | MMMM mmmm | |
0x026 | Padded at the end with NUL | 0000 0000 | |
0x02D | Padded at the end with NUL | 0000 0000 | |
word 0x02E | CRC | CRC of values w/ offset 0x020-02F | |
word 0x02F | as above | ||
byte 0x030 | Reserved | ||
0x03F | as above | ||
byte 0x040 | Key storage for encryption algorithm | ||
0x04F | as above | ||
byte 0x050 | Reserved | ||
0x400 | as above |
Removed because obsolete and no more used.
arpdress board retiré des exemples
ajout de la library arpPCA9685
ajout wilulu low power dans les exemples
ajout optiboot_atmega328.hex (pour éviter un warning à la compilation).(Arduino15\packages\Arpschuino\hardware\avr\1.0.3\bootloaders\optiboot\optiboot_atmega328.hex)
et empty84at8.hex (Arduino15\packages\Arpschuino\hardware\avr\1.0.3\bootloaders\empty\empty84at8.hex)
Debug exemples fonctions.h et .cpp supprimés (inclus dans la library).
Modif du fichier board.txt pour que la variante jeenode_jeelink soit reconue.
Modif aussi de ArpRF12.cpp pour un bon fonctionnement avec les différentes cartes.
grada laps retiré
Jeenode_jeelink ajouté dans "variants"
library erpschuino, led_temoin() : n°pin remplacé par LED_BUILTIN (comptabilité avec les autre boards)
+ 2eme fonction led_temoin() avec argument (pin) pour les cartes sans LED_BUILTIN
led_temoin()retourne la valeur de var led
Dans arpdress_board() : TWBR=0;
TWCR=0; remplacé par Wire.end();(compatibilité)
la lib compile avec toute les cartes, led_temoin() compatible, arpdress_board() avec l'arpschuino uniquement
exemples arpschuino : fonctions.h et .cpp supprimés (inclu dans la library). n°pin remplacé par LED_BUILTIN, bitWrite remplacé par digitalWrite pour plus de lisibilité et compatibilité
exemple arpdress board netoyé
exemples arpsensors, arpsensorsRF, wilulu, jeenode/jeelink corrigés, portage de la library